I’m a tech expert – all Gmail and Outlook users must watch for bank-emptying message lurking in your inbox

ALL email users should watch out for the warning signs that a dangerous email is hiding in your inbox.

The “red flags” that you’ve been targeted with a scam email have been revealed by a top cyber-expert.

Jamie Akhtar is a leading cyber expert who says it's important to know the warning signs of a scam email


Jamie Akhtar is a leading cyber expert who says it’s important to know the warning signs of a scam emailCredit: CyberSmart

Cyber-scams can strike at any time – even if you’re using a popular and trusted app like Google Gmail or Microsoft Outlook.

If you fall victim to one, the consequences can be extreme.

Your device could be infiltrated by malware, your personal info can be stolen and sold on or used to defraud you, and your bank can be emptied – all potentially in a matter of seconds.

The Sun spoke to Jamie Akhtar, CEO and co-founder of CyberSmart, who revealed three common email scams that you need to watch out for.

The billing scam

“This type of scam is designed to steal your financial details,” Jamie explained.

“An email is sent stating that an item you purchased online can’t be shipped because your card has expired.

“The link in the email will then take you to a fake website where you’ll be asked to enter your card details and personal information.”

The competition winner

“We’ve all seen one of these by now,” Jamie said.

“Fake competition emails usually promise that you’ve won the latest gadget or some sort of financial windfall e.g. ‘You’ve won an iPhone 14!!!!’.

“Usually, these scams will rely on creating a sense of urgency to get you to either click on a malicious link or enter your personal details.

“They are neither sophisticated nor hard to spot, but year after year victims still fall for them.”

The spoof bank

“This scam can take many forms,” Jamie revealed.

“But usually, it’s an email claiming to be your bank with some form of urgent information such as you’ve exceeded your credit limit, an amount has been withdrawn or a card has expired.

“You’ll then be prompted to click on a link to either ‘login’ or ‘pay in money’ to resolve the situation.

“Always call your bank first in these situations. 99% of the time it’s a fake.”

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